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Clients and Conferences


  • Education Advisory Board (EAB), Richmond and Washington, D.C.

  • Capital One, Digital Marketing

  • Virginia Trial Lawyers Association

  • The Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute in the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs, Virginia Commonwealth University

  • MBA Program at the Robins School of Business, University of Richmond

  • Career Development, School of Business, Virginia State University

  • Association for Talent Development, Richmond Chapter

  • VCU Health, Leadership Academy
  • And more...


  • Education Advisory Board (EAB), Richmond and Washington, D.C. - organization and client conference

  • Community College Workforce Alliance Conference

  • Association for Talent Development, MidAtlantic Conference

  • Virginia Statewide Legal Aid Conference

  • The Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute HIGHER Ground Women's Leadership Conference

  • VCU Health Good Grief Conference

  • Virginia Fund Raising Institute (VFRI)

  • Council for Advancement and Support of Education District Conference (CASE)

  • And more...
Similing Team
Business Meeting
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